The Sophie Effect

Do you want 2023 to be your best year? Of course you do, who wouldn’t? Let me share a story with you that might help. When we were getting ready to move back in June and July, I was incredibly worried about our 11+ year old Sheep-a-doodle, Sophie, being able to make the move. She had recently been diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis which started with her losing her bark, but then the paralysis can spread. Her back legs no longer allowed her to climb our stairs and often gave out. I thought the move would be simply too much stress on an old dog that was already struggling. 

Moving to the apartment had some advantages for Sophie. We no longer had any stairs to challenge her. We also no longer had a yard for her to hang out in, so we had to religiously take her for walks. 3-4 times a day we walked about a .25 mile with her. She gets personal attention, lots of fresh air, meets many people and dogs, and gets lots of walking. This daily routine has absolutely made her healthier. It doesn’t change the fact that she’s now 12+, but the daily routine of walking 3-4 times a day made her stronger.

Sophie’s routine started on August 4th which amounts to 167 days. She walked, on average 3x a day, so 501 walks. If each walk was at least .25 miles, then Sophie has walked 125.25 miles since we moved in! If you asked me in June if Sophie could walk 125 miles, I would have laughed out loud! Slow and steady wins the race. What would happen if you and I started a Sophie-like routine? It doesn’t have to be walking, it’s simply the compounding effect that we are looking for! Give it some thought for whatever you are looking to accomplish in 2023. Daily routines pay dividends! Ask Sophie!


P.S. Don’t forget the Leadership Masterclass link is up, if the compounding you’re looking for is in your leadership.

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