Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

For Christmas, my children gave me the most thoughtful gift—this hydroponic garden. I love gardening and they knew that gardening was no longer an option for me now that I am living in an apartment in a city. Our first “harvest” will be basil, maybe later this week! Pesto, here I come.

I can’t remember exactly when it arrived, but sometime in early January. It comes with a little seed pod that sort of looks like a Nespresso coffee pod. It doesn’t need much, but between the water and the light, the plants have flourished in less than a month. Had I ignored it, the plants would have died. But just this little bit of attention and these tiny little seeds grew into something very special. I will make something with basil this week. And then I will plant something new and start again. You see where I am going, right?

Growth doesn’t just happen, it requires intention, among other things. Your growth is important, but it’s going to require that you devote some time to what you’d like to see change, expand, evolve, and improve. Today, look at your growth like this basil plant—exactly what do you need to do to make this growth happen? What simple step could you take today that would absolutely lend itself to your personal or professional growth? Then go do that!


P.S. Tomorrow is our February Leadership Masterclass, 5pm EST. If you believe you could benefit from learning how to boost your self-confidence, then sign up! We are going to cover a lot of ground tomorrow! Sign up here.

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