Character Flaws

Here’s a fun fact about human nature—it’s SO flawed! We think we are rational, intelligent beings that think things through thoroughly, but I come to find out from The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene, that is not 100% true. Our mind take short cuts all day long for a multitude of reasons, and these short cuts aren’t always right. Not even a little bit.

For instance, let’s look at “bad behavior.” If I said something arguably mean at a cocktail party, my brain would start to defend my actions in some way. It’s a protective mechanism, built in, to save me from beating myself up. What I said shouldn’t have been said, but I will begin to justify my actions. On the other hand, imagine someone else said the same mean statement at a cocktail party, but not me this time. Our minds don’t give that other person the same grace! We begin to judge their actions as character flaws. We say things like, “How could they…”. No grace, no defending their actions, no forgiveness. 

Why do we need to know this fun fact about the flaws of human nature? Every day, especially at work, we defend our actions as “right,” in some way. And every day, we judge someone else as having a character flaw. What if we saw everyone as trying to do their best? What if we didn’t jump to, “character flaw?” What if we had a little more grace and understanding? What if?


P.S. And if you’re a leader, consider reading this again.

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