By Definition…

On Tuesday night, I hosted my Leadership Masterclass on Failing Forward (if you haven’t signed up for the masterclass already, you’ll have another chance to do so in May.) Most people look at Failing Forward and say, “I get it. Fail and then move on,” but it’s so much more then that. We unpacked a lot on Tuesday night. It was one of my all-time favorite calls—and that says I lot.

One of my biggest takeaways was this: we aren’t taking the risks that put us in a position to succeed (or fail), so it’s impossible to grow. Yes, impossible. By definition, growth can only occur if something changes, and if we continue to do the same thing over and over again, we did not grow, we simply repeated. It was the, “By definition,” that I couldn’t argue with. 

So today, on this beautiful Thursday morning, I’m going to ask all of us to take a risk so that we CAN grow. What risks are you and I willing to take today that will expand our comfort zones and that has at least a 50/50 chance of ultimately being called a success? Rinse and repeat isn’t why you read this post every morning and it certainly isn’t why I write it.


Next Month’s call is about (Im)Patience—if you’d like to attend as a guest, please email me at

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