Friday’s Quote

“Never regret being a good person, to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you, and their behavior says enough about them.” His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

The topic I often work on the most with my corporate clients is “the other person,” whether that be a colleague, a boss, or a team member. I always hear out my client because I want to know the whole story, but I have a rather programmed response to these concerns which is, “We can’t change them, but we can change you.” Which is so true.

We often don’t want to give in to bullies, or let the pompous %$# get his way— yet again! I certainly don’t ask my clients to roll over, but we do discuss how they want to show up and be seen. It goes back to character and integrity. Dropping down to their level makes us no better than them, even if we have all the details to justify and support our actions. 

Taking the higher ground does not mean they win! And this “wrong person” behavior is going to show up again in our lives if we don’t figure out how to handle it. If everyone was looking, how would you handle this situation? How do you want to be seen in the end? Integrity garners trust and respect, neither of which come easy. You’ll never regret being a good person, but you just might regret behaving like the wrong one! Doing the right thing isn’t easy. Choose wisely.


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