Who Built The Fence?

When we were out in Malibu, we went on this hike that was up on the cliffs along the beach. It was a really narrow and sandy path up to the rocky summit and, ultimately, the vista. The signage along the trail was unambiguous and stern in explaining how fragile this environment is and to remain on the trail at all times. 

As we traveled up the path, we were pleasantly surprised with all the different dessert plants that were blooming due to a very rare and lengthy rainy period is Southern California. This one particular plant caught my eye because, not only was it a beautiful pop of color in a vast sea of green and brown, it was also breaking the rules that we weren’t allowed to break. It did not stay on the other side of the fence—no, it climbed through for two reasons. First, it’s growing and the fence was not going to stop that from happening. Second, it reaches for the sun and that’s why it grows, so it had to go through the fence for that to happen.

This plant is symbolic of you and me and our walk in life. Most of us will honor the fence over our own dreams, desires, and happiness! Most of us are unfortunately doing that right now. We say, “I can’t because…,” at the expense of our own happiness. Are you blissfully happy? Are you doing what you love? Are you getting paid what you deserve? Do you believe you are worthy? Worthy of happiness, success, love, etc.? Well maybe we should start acting like this plant! Fence schmence! We are worthy of all of it—happiness, joy, success, love, and more! We just have to stop letting the fence define our limits, because the truth is—we built the fence. 


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