Friday’s Quote

“The mind is a flexible mirror. Adjust it to see a better world.” 
~ Amit Ray

How many of you have seated yourself in the driver’s seat of your car only to find that the mirrors are all wonky. You can’t see anything you’re supposed to see and you can see a lot of what doesn’t matter, like the side panels of the car and the sky. Me, too! Sometimes even in my own car if the kids or Doug borrowed it. So what is the first thing we do? We adjust the mirrors so that we can see—and once that is done, all seems right and now we can commence driving.

The mind is the same exact thing, as Ray aptly states. We can adjust our minds just like we adjusted the mirrors in our car if we wish to see a better world. Think of something right now that is in the future that maybe you’re not so happy or excited about. Our mind mirrors are just a bit wonky. Let’s take a moment to adjust the “mirror.” Can the mind see it differently now?

The next four days are insanely busy for me with lots and lots of moving parts—like too many moving parts. I’ve already let people down and I didn’t leave yet! I’m going to adjust the mirror and see how blessed I am to have this opportunity to do so many fun things in a very short window. One step at a time makes it beautiful; trying to embrace all four days at once is way too much. I love knowing I can alter my thoughts. Thank you Amit Ray, I needed this today!


P.S. If you have an extra minute, click on the hyperlink above for another great idea about seeing things differently.

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