Zoom Out

Doug and I were at a wedding this weekend—well, two actually. But the one I am referring to was outside of Boston. The couple had already gotten married in a private ceremony in San Diego prior to this fabulous celebration. Over 250 of their closest friends and family assembled under the biggest tent I’ve ever seen outside of a circus, to celebrate this adorable couple. It was such a great night!

The groom’s youngest brother gave a fabulous toast. He shared a story about how he recently let an upcoming college wrestling match become all consuming. He couldn’t focus on anything else, which allowed him to get inside his own head for a match that should have been a simple win for him. In doing so, he started to doubt his ability to beat his opponent and then, guess what happened? Yup, he lost the match. Has this ever happened to you? Maybe not the wrestling match, but getting inside your own head? Me, too!

Today, let’s take a step back from something that we are “all in” on. Is it making you a little obsessed? Are you fixated on the outcome, like our wrestler friend described himself? This is our invitation to take a step back, zoom out and see life from a higher vantage point than our own. This will challenge our preconceptions down at ground level and help us see the world around us more accurately and fairly. Sometimes we simply get too close. This is the exact big-picture advice the wrestler received from his big brother.


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