Friday’s Quote

“Do not look for rest in any pleasure, because you were not created for pleasure: you were created for joy. And if you do not know the difference between pleasure and joy you have not yet begun to live.” ~ Thomas Merton

I looked up Thomas Merton yesterday to find a quote for a friend. It wasn’t this one, although all of his quotes are moving and poignant. This one made me ask myself, “Do I know the difference?” And the answers was, “Kind of, but not really.”  

Pleasure is derived from an external source, while joy arises from within when we bring our full awareness to the experience. After reading the definition of both and understanding the the difference, I gave it some thought. My best explanation for me would be from my nephew’s wedding recently. I absolutely experienced pleasure at the reception, dancing and socializing with so many family members and friends—but the joy I felt watching them walk down the aisle and actually say their, “I do’s,” was overwhelming. My heart is still full as I think of that weekend and all the love that surrounded them.

I encourage you to take a minute to define a moment recently that brought you joy. Pleasure is easy, joy is next level. I’m sure it’s not universal, but things bring us pleasure and people and experiences bring us joy. Pleasure often costs money, but joy never does. An amazing dessert, a beautiful piece of clothing, or even an intimate moment brings us pleasure, not joy. When we aren’t clear on the difference between joy and pleasure, we can seek one all the while thinking it’s the other. Really know what brings you joy—it’s where life begins.


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