Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

When we think of mirrors we usually think of our own reflection or we might even think of rearview mirrors in our cars, which give us a clear view of what is behind us, but rarely do we think of mirrors showing us that which lies ahead of us. 

That’s what I noticed the other day in my parking garage. You’ve seen these mirrors before, they are very often mounted on corners so we are able to see what’s coming around the corner that we couldn’t otherwise see without this aid. I kind of wish I had these mirrors in life, so I would know what lies ahead and I could adequately prepare for it in some way, or at least not be afraid of the unknown.

Although my parking garage has these mirrors, not every garage does. Sometimes, as the driver, we need to slow down, be a little more cautious, assess the situation—heck, we do that even with the mirrors. What we don’t do is stop, turn the car off, and quit. We don’t. We know this part of the ride is a little unknown and we can’t see the whole road, but we are brave enough to keep going. Today, I want you and me to remember that—we don’t quit because the road gets a little scary! Slow down if you have to, ask a few more questions, and assess the situation, but DO NOT QUIT!


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