Friday’s Quote

“Look around less, imagine more.” Esther Hicks

Need I say more? If we all spent more time imagining what could be rather than comparing ourselves to what others have, perhaps we’d be happier and maybe even more accomplished. 

I chose the word accomplished, rather than the word successful, intentionally. “Look around less, imagine more,” isn’t about success and it isn’t about being better than someone else. “Look around less, imagine more,” is about us, not them. It’s about finding our joy and happiness through our own lens. 

Comparing and judging is almost unavoidable, but it’s really important if you want to be happy. “Look around less, imagine more,” is simply a reminder that looking around has the potential to make us really unhappy, but imagining does not! Imagining is the first step toward creating a life we want. Sing John Lennon’s “Imagine” song if that helps—especially this poignant line—”Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can.” 


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