Friday’s Quote

“It’s just a thought.” ~ Cody Rigsby – Peloton

Yesterday, I blew off working out until finally, at about 5 pm, I knew if I didn’t do something I was going to be really disappointed in myself for wasting the whole day. I decided to do a 15-minute bike ride on the Peloton with Cody Rigsby. He was exactly what I needed at the end of the day—he’s funny, I usually like his music, and he calls things like they are, which I absolutely love!

As we were just getting started warming up, he gave his motivational words of wisdom. He addressed the negative thoughts we might be thinking like, “I’m only doing 15-minutes,” or “I’m not (_______), fill in the blanks with “thin enough,” “strong enough,” “disciplined enough,” etc. And that’s when he said something like, “It’s just a thought. Get rid of it. Think a better thought.” He’s right! It’s just a thought, and if it’s only a thought, we can think something else, right? We can think a different thought!

So today I want us all to take Rigby’s quote and realize that every disempowering thought we have is just a thought. What better thought can we come up with? I changed my, “I only did a 15-minute ride therefore I am lame,” to “Good for me! I’m proud of my 15-minute ride! It was great for my mental and physical health—and it was really hard to muster up the motivation to do it at 5 pm!” Now that, my friends, is a much better thought! Thank you, Cody! I really needed your pep-talk!


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