Doubt It

Have you ever noticed when something comes up for you that you see it in multiple different places as if the Universe is forcing you to pay attention? It very often happens with cars, once you buy a new car; you see that particular car everywhere. For me, it’s more about topics that I often share with you, and if I try to overlook or avoid a topic, it tends to resurface over and over again. This is one of those times.

How do you feel about doubt? When I googled “doubt,” self-doubt came up almost exclusively which is true— we often doubt ourselves and our ability, but we have other doubts as well. The best assessment of doubt came from an article in Tiny Buddha. The author asked on the Tiny Buddha Facebook page, “How do you overcome doubts?” and compiled what she felt were the 20 best answers. (Link below). She wrote, “Maybe there is no such thing as “wrong.” The only wrong choice is not making one. That’s not to say we’ll always create the outcomes we visualize. But maybe that isn’t the point. Maybe the point is to learn to be less afraid of leaping.”

Doubt is one of those things that leaves us paralyzed—with an excuse. We hide behind “doubt” because we can. We tell people, “I’m just not sure,” so they leave us alone because we make them believe we will decide soon, just not right now. But the truth is, very often we never make a decision and we sit in limbo with “doubt” as our shield, keeping us “safe,” from making the wrong decision. Here are 3 of my favorites:

1. My mantra for this year: My abilities will always outweigh my doubts. The moment when I think I can’t is the moment that I can.”
2. Ask where the doubt stems from. Is it your intuitive self or your fearful self? Ask that question and listen to the very first thought that comes into your head. Believe that one.
3. Ask yourself, “What will happen if I doubt this doubt?”


The Tiny Buddha Link

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