This Is Exactly What I Need

Yesterday was a really long day—great, but long. I had back-to-back meetings, the dog needed to be picked up at the groomer, I was trying to make dinner, and I had a yoga class at 6:30pm that my friend was teaching and I did not want to disappoint. Somewhere around 5:50 pm, as I was trying to send out some emails while dinner was simmering on the stove, I thought, ‘Why am I trying to squeeze this yoga class in after this crazy day? This is not what I need right now, it’s one more thing added to my plate.” And then I heard the voice inside my head say, “This is EXACTLY what you need right now.” So I shut down the computer, got dressed, and went to yoga.

Why do we ignore what we really want or need? Why do we take the “easy road,” when this is not going to get us what we want? I see this all the time with my clients and myself. We know what we want, yet we don’t do it. I see it with jobs, careers, relationships, and so much more. If you were to say to yourself, “This is not what I need on my plate right now, yet this is exactly what I need,” what would you be thinking about? Your answer is what you need to hear yourself say right now. This is exactly what you need.

I didn’t “need” yoga, what I needed was to shut down the computer, I needed to be with my friends, I needed time for myself, I needed peace, I needed to move and stretch my body, I needed to find my boundaries, I needed to choose me. What I want us all to see is that it wasn’t just yoga that I was choosing, it was so much more, and I want that for you. I’m asking you to choose you, too! Finish the sentence. “This is exactly what I need!”


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