I was reading an article by Adam Grant about the habits that highly successful people practice on a regular basis. He posted 11 habits and, even though none of these 11 habits flabbergasted me as novel or unheard of, they all held so much weight in their simplicity. So much so that I believe a few bear repeating.
The first habit was, “They seek discomfort.” Grant goes on to say that successful people don’t simply want to learn, but that they “aim to feel uncomfortable.” Let that sink in. Let’s think of all the things we KNOW we should be doing or at least trying to do, and we are not. We make excuses, we procrastinate, or we put our head in the sand and outright avoid. The highly successful person embraces this discomfort like a warm blanket, because she KNOWS this is how amazing things gets accomplished!
Another habit Grant listed as important was, “They ask for advice, not feedback.” His distinction is important: feedback looks backward, advice looks forward. When we look backward, we get criticizers or cheerleaders, but when we look forward, we get a coach. Who is going to help us move the needle? Our brain loves the cheerleader, but it’s the coach we need—which is often a little bit uncomfortable!
Here’s Adam Grant’s article, if you’re interested in becoming more successful. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/03/highly-successful-people-practice-these-11-little-life-changes-every-day-says-psychology-expert.html?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-us