Headline News

Somedays things don’t go as planned—they just don’t. I had one of those days last week and my daughter had one yesterday. She sat down at about 6:15 pm last night and told me how bad the day had gone. I listened to all she had to say, but I had not seen the day in the same way. When she was done recounting all that had gone wrong, I said, “I have to get a cake out of the oven and when I come back I want you to tell me the exact same story, except I want you to try and find all that was good in the same day.

The second story she told was not sugar coating the bad things, but she was able to see all the good that had happened as well. It didn’t make getting locked out of the house any better, but she was able to be grateful for the dog-walker who had the extra key. Do you see the nuance here? Same day, same bad things, while adding back in the good things that got left out of the first version.

It’s December 19th, surely some things are going a bit sideways at this point. Stress may be ramping up as we feel the pressure of either Christmas or simply year-end and the impeding new year (which always give me a bit of agita.) Today I want us all to find the good. We know what’s not so good, and that always makes the headlines, it’s human nature. Let’s consciously bring to the forefront of our mind that which is good. Ask yourself, “How am I lucky, blessed, and fortunate?” It’s there, we just need to take the time to see it.


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