Two Powerful Words

I went for a walk yesterday and I listened to Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Podcast when she interviewed Joel Osteen. The title for the podcast was what grabbed my attention: The Two Powerful Words That Can Change Your Life. Now that I needed to know.

The podcast is only 35 minutes in length so it doesn’t take Osteen long to deliver the directive. The two words are: I am. I come to find out, Osteen wrote a book titled, The Power of I Am, which Winfrey references throughout the podcast with some very powerful quotes. Osteen explains that whatever we decide to say or think after, “I am,” will determine what our experience will be. His example was, “I am tired,” is a choice, but so is, “I am getting my second wind,” or “I am strong,” or “I am inspired.” What follows, “I am,” we are inviting into our lives.

We can’t bring amazing things out in ourselves if we are saying things that are innately against us. Many of the words we choose are magnifying the negative. We say things like, “I’m not as smart as…,” “I’m not lucky like…,” “I’m always saying the wrong thing,” “I’ll never lose the weight,” and more. If what follows, “I am” will eventually find us, or arguably already has, then let’s change our, “I am.” I am a masterpiece. I am blessed. I am valuable. I am secure. I am focused. I am prosperous. I am determined. I am strong. I am forgiven. I am protected. I am generous. How’s that for a list to start your Thursday off on a good foot? I am!


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