Motivational Monday!

We all know the quote, “Karma’s a —–,” right? And the Law of Karma states that no debt in the universe ever goes unpaid. Good to know as we start this Monday morning—before we say anything we are going to regret, or worse—before it comes back at us in the form of a “karma boomerang.”

Most often when we think of karma, we think in terms bad karma—like the quote I started off with, but karma just means, “it’s coming back at you, one way or another.” If that’s true, we should be careful what we choose to intentionally say or do to others. Taylor Swift said it best in her song Karma, “Karma’s on your scent like a bounty hunter, Karma’s gonna track you down.” Yikes!

But, this means good and bad karma, so don’t be worried. This Monday is about starting the week off with the knowledge that karma can be your best friend, and who wouldn’t want this BFF? The question for all of us is, “What are the consequences of this choice I am about to make? And will this choice bring happiness (and/or joy, laughter, love, peace) to me and those who are affected by this choice?” I guess none of us truly knows if karma is real or not, but it really doesn’t matter. Checking in on how our actions will affect ourselves and others is a really valuable rule to live by.


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