Best Boss-Worst Boss?

Yesterday, I was on a call about Emotional Intelligence. The information presented was incredibly basic so I ended up dropping off, but one thing she discussed I believe is worth sharing. The presenter had us compare our best boss with our worst boss, which obviously showed a glaring gap between the two, and rightfully so. We’ve all had great bosses and we’ve all suffered through horrible bosses—but why is a horrible boss horrible? Are they really incompetent and lack total self-awareness, or is it something else?

I’m sure it could be all three, but today we are going to take a look at ourselves—and this is relevant for all of our relationships, not just work. We sometimes get into a leadership role and we are trying to prove our worth. We are trying to show our strength. We don’t want to get pushed around. We want to look and feel confident—and that’s all about us. But we don’t lead us, we lead others. And if others don’t like us, then they aren’t going to follow us and, therefore, we really aren’t leading anymore. We’re now in the “worst boss” category.

No one thinks they are the worst boss, yet we all have a worst boss story, so someone actually is. “Appreciated” is how employees want to feel—heck, it’s how we all want to feel. Let’s assume your team does NOT feel appreciated, because that’s the assumption that will make you a better boss. If you assume otherwise, then you will arguably miss the mark. But if you assume they aren’t feeling very appreciated, then you will go the extra mile to do so. It’s your choice, I just don’t want you to end up in the worst boss column. No one wants that. It’s a great reset.


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