
The titled grabbed me: An Overachiever’s Guide to the Soft Life—which was an article I spotted in ELLE Magazine and had to read. It had to be an oxymoron, right, like jumbo shrimp. The two don’t go together, or do they? Fun Fact: #Softlife received over 1.4 billion views (billion, with a B), according to TikTok (our most trusted source of fast, accurate, and unbiased news—LOL)

I’m going to infer that if that many people are viewing #softlife, or even half that number is true, then people are looking for a break from juggling multiple responsibilities, adhering to tight schedules, and the relentless pursuit of success. Do you agree? So how can we add the soft-life back into our lives without feeling like we are giving up or getting soft?

Rest and renewal are a part of success—without them we can’t go on. We hit walls, we get depleted, and then we burn out. Today is #softlife day. What is part of your rest and renewal routine? Do you do it daily? I love what designer, Tracy Reece, said about the soft life: “I had to say, ‘I’m the only one responsible for me and my happiness. I get to decide how I live my life.’ That’s the most ambitious thing you can do, I think—make your own choices. So that was step one.” And it’s step one for us, too!


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