Friday’s Quote

“I wouldn’t be where I am now if I hadn’t had certain setbacks. They made me open different doors and made me stronger.” ~ Carol Burnett

We rarely think of our setbacks as being a defining part of who we are today. I don’t ever really love setbacks, and maybe you don’t either, but Burnett is right—that’s what makes us stronger.

Think about a big setback you had in your life and I will do the same. You and I have told this story before. We like to tell this story because it’s an excuse of sorts, right? “This” is why my road was more difficult. But let’s take the Carol Burnett version and define where this setback made us stronger. How are we better because this happened? No boo-hoo’s here, this is a story of success!

Today, let’s give some thought to our newest setback. What is holding us back? How could we get around it, over it, or through it? What is this setback trying to teach us? How will we be stronger once we overcome this hurdle? If everything were easy, there would be no sense of pride in our accomplishments. Overcoming the battle is why we are proud of who we are. So there is no need to look at the setback as a negative. The setback is a worthy opponent who is helping us grow and become who we were meant to be!



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