Motivational Monday!

Today I have just one word to start the week off with, and it’s a game changer. Consistency. At first glance, consistency is more of a, “What’s so big about consistency?” I completely understand why you may be underwhelmed with this word (and idea), but consistency is like a high-speed train—it starts out of the station at a slow and painful crawl, but after a short time it becomes unstoppable.

Imagine what would happen if we started doing something today consistently? Consistency is not just a practice; it’s a mindset—a philosophy that champions regularity over randomness and steadiness over speed. Somehow we’ve been convinced that progress only happens through monumental leaps, not baby steps. Imagine what would happen if you STOPPED doing what you are currently doing consistently—like brushing your teeth?

Consistency is like adding a brick to the foundation of a building every single day and WE get to decide what we are building. At first glance, it seems as if no progress is being made, but one day, we notice that our consistency has built the ground floor. What do you want to build that you thought you had to take a monumental step, therefore you didn’t take any step at all? Will you consider starting a consistency journey with me? It takes answering two questions to begin: What do I want and what is the baby step I am willing to take, consistently, every day, to make it happen?



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