Motivational Monday!

On Saturday, Doug and I rented a storage unit here in Hoboken. If you are unfamiliar with the way storage units works, be grateful—and please call me before you ever considering renting one! I feel like I am now a master at this point. One cannot be naive when entering into a storage unit deal.

So I reserved the unit on Friday for a Saturday morning move in. On Saturday morning they showed us a unit that was partially blocked by a pole. I said, “No.” He then showed me the unit next to the first one without a pole and declared it would be $4 more per month and that’s when I felt my blood begin to boil. You’ll be proud of me, I held it all in check, looked directly at this man and calmly said, “I am about to fight you on this and I know it’s just $4, but on principle I’m fighting this price differential.” And I proceeded to calmly argue my case for all things righteous in this world!

In the end, I won. It wasn’t about $4, yet it was. On this Monday, I want you to think about what you are “letting go” because it’s “just” $4. It might not even be money! It might be that you’re being treated poorly by friends, family or work, but you’re letting it go because it’s “just $4” worth of bad treatment. Maybe it’s “just $4” worth of bad behavior by colleagues or staff. What I know for sure about storage units and people is that it starts out as “just $4,” but it never stops there. So on principle, I am asking us all to look at the “just $4” that we are tolerating and consider speaking up for yourself. I am certainly glad I did!

Beth Fitzgerald

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