Nobody Wants Problems

Last night I was reading before bed and I came across this gem: We focus on our problems not our potential. Mic drop, right? Some of you may be thinking, this is so obvious, but is it?

Focusing on our problems is the EASY way. Nobody wants problems, but problems function really well as excuses and we joyfully hide behind them to avoid the really hard work—living up to our potential. We say things like it’s the economy, or my lack of education, or I’m unlucky, or this business is hard—and all of that may be true! But, if we are honest with ourselves, the problem isn’t what’s standing in our way (although it is), it’s ourselves! And it matters what we focus on.

Let’s take a look at one problem we have right now—don’t choose your biggest one just yet, let’s go for a smaller win. We know the problem all too well, so let’s focus on our potential to solve it! Let’s list 3 really strong first steps to overcome this problem that is standing in our way. Do it now so that we have our action steps all lined up. What will happen when we focus on our potential more then we focus on the problem? What we focus on expands, so if you want more problems then focus on that, but if you’re like me, I don’t want any more problems! Let’s choose to focus on our potential! Are you in?

Beth Fitzgerald

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