Here Are The Rules!

I was at a conference for the last two days, but this week I was an attendee not a speaker—and I loved it! My sole responsibility was to simply show up and follow the rules! And I did just that, swimmingly I might add! They had a lot of rules so that their event ran smoothly, and we all followed each and every one of them, and it made for a VERY well run event.

As much as I love rules, and I DO love rules, I also feel strongly that questioning rules is equally important! For example, if someone says, “Please arrive on time, we will be starting promptly at 9 am,” then we should follow that rule OR we will miss part of the presentation AND be inconsiderate and disruptive to the group. But if a rule seems arbitrary or not so helpful or simply antiquated, shouldn’t we question it, and maybe even challenge it? YES, yes we should.

The onus is on each and every one of us to question the status quo, especially when it is no longer serving us. We can begin by first challenging our self-imposed rules and questioning our beliefs—limiting beliefs that are no longer serving us. We have made rules for ourselves and adopted beliefs that have been around for years—without questioning them—that are no longer serving us AND they are obsolete. What do you say if we take a look at the rules that are holding us back?


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