Heavy Loads

I was meditating this morning and the prompt in this particular guided mediation was, “What heavy load are you carrying right now?” Although I wanted to laugh out loud, I didn’t, but it did bring a huge smile to my face as I thought, “Oh, maybe just a few things!” Don’t we all have “just a few things?” I’m sure you would have thought about laughing out loud too if someone asked you, “What heavy load are you carrying right now?” Am I right?

The next part of the meditation was really interesting. In some calm and peaceful way, the person asked, “What if you did nothing?” My initial response, as I thought about my imminent move, was that I can’t do nothing! And then more thoughts came to my mind, calmer thoughts, like, “It has to happen whether I do nothing or not.” That was the thought that made me realize that no matter how worked up we get over things, most of them are going to run their own course even if we do nothing.

Consider the liberating thought of, “What if I did nothing?” It’s liberating because, during that moment you are detached from fixing it, solving, it, or making it better—you’re free in your mind for one second to contemplate, “What if I did nothing?” For some of us, this heavy load is going to happen with us or without us. For others, the load is not a “to-do” item, it’s more emotional. Today, I am giving all of us permission to put it down—even if it’s just for 5 or 10 minutes and think, “What if I did nothing?” We are all going to pick it back up again, but no one said we can’t choose to put it down and catch our breath. I’m here for you.

Beth Fitzgerald

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