Friday’s Quote

“Peace is the result of retraining the mind to process life as it is rather than how you think it should be.” ~Wayne Dyer

Many people start off the year with a word that they want to live by. I started the year off with a person I want to emulate and, if possible, become. Wayne Dyer is that person. Ironically, I chose this quote not knowing who it was attributed to until later and I had a quiet little chuckle when I saw it was from him.

“Let go once. And if it comes up again, let it go again. Peace does not just happen. You have to practice it.” Inspired by Yung Pueblo

If I WAS going to choose a word for 2024, or at least for May of 2024 (and April, too) I would choose PEACE. Life can really start to act like a vortex, pulling us into the vibration of the storm. But we can be in the storm without being of the storm—does that make sense? We don’t have to take on the characteristics of whatever storm is going on around us, we can CHOOSE peace.

We usually don’t have to look far to find a “storm” around us. It might even be OUR own storm! But Pema Chodron said it best, “Don’t let people pull you into their storm, instead pull them into your peace.” And the same is true for ourselves, sometimes we create our own storm and we could choose to create our own peace. Choosing peace is realizing that you’ve been standing in then pouring rain with no umbrella and your one step away from an overhang. Take the step!

Beth Fitzgerald

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