Friday’s Quote

“Progress has little to do with speed, but much to do with direction.” — Unknown

Have you ever worked on a puzzle? The beginning is arguably the worst! No part of the picture has started to develop, it’s just 1000 pieces, literally, strewn about the table with no sense of order or accomplishment. But what happens next? Everyone begins to grab all the edges because they are the pieces that we know for sure, kind of, where they go. And that’s when the progress begins!

Once the edges begin to take shape, we start to get excited about the progress, which often results in us hanging around the table more and then more progress occurs. You see where I am going with this, right? Progress doesn’t happen without us, it happens because of us—it requires human intervention. When we harness human potential we drive progress.

Progress may seem like a natural course of events, but it’s actually a result of deliberate, concerted efforts by individuals and groups working towards a common goal. It has little do do with speed but much to do with direction. Take all of this information and apply it to what you want for yourself! If you are waiting for something to happen, that’s NOT how progress works, progress needs YOU andME to take a step in the right direction!!


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