Motivational Monday!

Here is our parking spot. As you can see, it’s tight. The pole to the right, leaves no margin for error—which our passenger side mirror has unfortunately discovered the hard way. And to the left, there is a beautiful Porsche—which leaves no margin for error there either, right? What you can’t see is that there isn’t a lot of room on the approach to this spot as well, so we really are “between a rock and hard place.” (For those of you who like either derivations or Greek Mythology, you might want to look this one up, it’s interesting.)

One day recently, when I was trying to conquer this very new challenge, I thought about quitting and calling Doug to come down and save me. The pole didn’t bother me as much as the Porsche did, and all the jockeying seemed to leave me no closer to getting into this narrow strip of real estate. Then my ego jumped in and said, “Don’t you dare call Doug! You can do this! Stop being a wimp!” Instantly, there was a new woman behind the wheel—a confident, daredevil type who knew she could do this—and she did!

What is happening in your life that you recently thought, “I can’t do this!” Maybe you even said, “I’ll call “Doug,”—your version of Doug. We are all so much more capable then we give ourselves credit. There is another you, just like there was another me, who will show up—we simply need to remember she’s here, too! We can do hard things. And the more hard things you do, the better you get at doing them. Today, choose something hard! I know you can do it!!

Beth Fitzgerald

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