Friday’s Quote

“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.”
~ Mandy Hale

I was reading an article the other day and the writer asked a question of her reader: “Are you bending over backwards for others? Who are you doing this for? Write the list.” I thought it sounded like a good exercise so I started to write a list of who I had “gone the extra mile for” and also asked myself, “Should I have done it?” It was a really interesting exercise. When I returned to the article, I got completely blindsided. The writer asked one more question: “Where did you fall on that list?”

Well, I wasn’t on my list—not at all! And even when I asked myself the question again differently, “Do I bend over backwards for myself,” the answer was still, “No.” When I looked at the list again is when I had the epiphany: I often put myself “on the list” after everything else. Maybe your list looks similar: work (shouldn’t be first, but often is), spouse/kids, house, volunteer work, friends, and then me.” I’m the afterthought! I’m the, “I’ll squeeze that in, if I can” thought. I’m the sand or the water, but not the rock (If you’ve seen that video).

I hope none of this resonates with you! I hope you put yourself first every day! No one is going to make sure you put yourself first except YOU. Serving others as best we can is awesome, but not if it’s at our own expense. “You cannot serve from an empty vessel,” is how I believe the saying goes. And don’t wait until you are completely depleted to put yourself first, that’s counterproductive and setting yourself up for an necessary uphill climb. You first!

Beth Fitzgerald

P.S. I’m first today! Heading into NYC for some me time!

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