I was reading a book this morning and I was captured by these two words, “Let go.” That’s it, no more instruction or advice was given, just “Let go.” Of course, that got me thinking.

Let go of what? And for me, who grips onto everything in life (it’s a control thing, you may have it, too), I wondered what “Let go,” would actually look like. Then I wondered, why? Why was letting go so important. Why did this person recommend this simple instruction, yet difficult and ill-defined task? Amongst all my question, I knew that “Let go,” sounded peaceful—and maybe even liberating. I liked the idea, I just wasn’t sure if I could actually do it.

So maybe you’ll take the challenge with me and “Let go.” It doesn’t mean relinquishing all responsibilities, taking a long nap, or quitting your job. No, “Let go,” is for us to do while life is still going on. I’m going to start today by letting go of all the things that usually aggravate me—like annoying people and petty crap. I think “letting go” is an intentional and thoughtful approach to life. For me, it will mean I need to be reminded of my new, “Let go,” mindset regularly. It’s going to take effort, but I really like what I think of when I think of letting go—and it’s peace. I don’t need to fix everything and neither do you.

Let(‘s) Go! WE GOT THIS!
Beth Fitzgerald

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