Friday’s Quote

“Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person.” ~ Rumi

Rarely do I talk about love in this blog, but I was inspired this morning by Deepak Chopra. After a gratitude meditation, he encouraged us to write about a time when we felt transformed by someone’s love. He asked us to think about a time when unconditional love and acceptance allowed us to grow in ways we wouldn’t have otherwise grown.

That got me thinking! For most of us, we will go back to our childhood to remember this person. Who would you and I be WITHOUT our person? I can’t even imagine who I would have become without my mom—and a few other people who made it clear they loved me unconditionally.

Think about this, someone changed our lives by loving us unconditionally—loving that imperfect person just as we were and are! Now, let’s fast forward to the present. Who is that wildly imperfect person in your life right now—maybe even as imperfect as you and I were/are— who could use some unconditional love? Are you willing to offer that love right now? Heck, it changed our lives, maybe we can change someone else’s?

Beth Fitzgerald

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