Friday’s Quote

“I really think a champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.” ~ Serena Williams

With the Olympics still visible in our “rearview mirror,” I felt like this quote could really resonate with most of us. As athletes, we are always proud of our wins, but truthfully that wasn’t the hardest part of our success. The training and the recovering (from injuries and losses) was where we really had to dig deep.

Maybe you, like me, aren’t a professional athlete, so how does this relate to us? Look at work for a minute and forget all the wins, the praises, and the great reviews. Ask yourself, “When and where was my fall?” What happened in your career that you would define as a fall? What did you do to get up and recover or did you simply accept the fall, took your losses, and moved on to safer ground?

I Googled, “Serena’s worst defeats,” and there was no lack of data. The one that caught my eye was, “Top 10: Serena Williams Worst Defeats of Her Professional Career.” Williams did not quit the sport or move to safer ground, she came back next time on fire to prove to herself and the world that she had indeed recovered from that loss. Now the ball is in our court! Will we actively recover or move to safer ground? It’s our choice.

Beth Fitzgerald

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