Friday’s Quote

“We are not victims of our situation. We are the architects of it.” ~ Simon Sinek

Doug and I went into the city last night to see a show. We were able to grab a bite to eat and a glass of wine beforehand. While we were waiting for our check, we started talking about how busy each of us currently are. Here are three things we talked about—see if any of these sound familiar: restless/sleepless nights, inconsistent workout habits, and a structured but time-consuming morning routine that leaves us rushed.

This is where architect versus victim comes in. These little micro-nuisances get overlooked every day! Every day we talk about a bad night’s sleep or a missed workout and we move on. BUT we are allowing these nuisances to happen with regularity so we should accept that we are the architect of them! Once we see ourselves as the architect and not the victim, we can choose to design something else—something that we really want in our lives! Right?

Sleep is SO important to good health! If you’re not sleeping, what are you doing about it, other than accepting it as a part of aging? No one is ever going to serendipitously show up to fix this for you! The same goes for an absent workout routine or a rushed morning routine—you’re the architect!! “Design” something new! I will allow you to be the victim IF AND ONLY IF you realize that you are ALSO the architect! You see it now, don’t you? Now, grab a pencil!

Beth Fitzgerald

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