Motivational Monday!

On Saturday night, Doug and I confirmed that our plans for Sunday morning were twofold: we would drop Clare off at her yoga studio and head into NYC for church. I love a plan, and I hate when a plan gets foiled—and that’s what happened overnight. Doug didn’t sleep well at all so he was staying home and I had a big decision to make: Am I going to make the trek into NY by myself, or drop the plans altogether? By the time I realized Doug wasn’t going, I was fully dressed and had about 15 minutes to decided. I wasn’t really happy with either choice because getting to church is a 2025 goal, yet driving in by myself wasn’t exactly in my comfort zone this morning.

I told myself, one step at a time. I got Clare to her favorite coffee place and then on to her yoga studio. As I sat in the car, deliberating with myself over whether or not to go, I said to myself, “What are you really afraid of?” [Fun Fact: Really identifying the thing that scares you is usually eye-opening, because it’s rarely what you think it is.] As I started to drive the car, I came up with three things: Somehow the tunnel was a big commitment for me (and Im not afraid of tunnels at all), I didn’t want to make a wrong turn (I’ve ended up in Brooklyn before so I wasn’t really up for that on Sunday morning), and I was alone. What a bundle, right? But I calmly said to myself, “Just do it. None of these fears are really big enough for you to not go!” So I went!

Church was great. I came out afterward and saw a Whole Foods across the street, so I did some Sunday grocery shopping, chatted with a few Philadelphia Eagles fans, and went home. I’m not the same as I was on Sunday morning. Facing our fears should be a daily occurrence, if we can. I’m not going to lie, my stomach didn’t feel good Sunday morning as I had to make these decisions, but they are all behind me now. I never ask you to do anything I haven’t tried myself. What fear is standing in your way right now from something great? I just paved the way for me to travel to church in NY (or anything else) by myself because I didn’t let that gnawing feeling in my stomach win!!! Name the fear right now! I’m here for you…

Beth Fitzgerald

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