My Blog

Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

29 years ago today, I gave birth to my first child. I don't think anyone truly understands the depths of giving birth or raising children until it's way to late to turn around! If people did, in fact, understand, I believe there would be a much smaller population on...

Friday’s Quote

Friday’s Quote

"Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving for excellence. Perfectionism is not about healthy achievement and growth, it's a shield." ~ Brené Brown OK, Brené, what exactly does this mean? Brown goes on to say that perfectionism is a way of thinking that says,...

A “Do Nothing” Day

A “Do Nothing” Day

Last weekend I was supposed to be in Raleigh with all of my girls visiting a dear friend and her family. We were so excited that the stars aligned for all of us to make the trip—and then Debby came along, Hurricane Debby, that is. Our plans got upended at the last...

Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

Have you ever written a personal statement to yourself about how amazing you truly are? Me either, until now. I was prompted by something that was said on a recent podcast that I had listened to while I was out on a walk. The talk track was about our inner critic and...

Friday’s Quote

Friday’s Quote

"Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person." ~ Rumi Rarely do I talk about love in this blog, but I was inspired this morning by Deepak Chopra. After a gratitude meditation, he encouraged us to write about a time when we felt transformed by someone's...

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

Yesterday, I had a call with one of my son's friends and teammate from Trinity College. He reached out because he started a business that has been successful and he wanted to get some feedback and insights as he and his business partner moved forward. It was a really...

Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

Yesterday, we went into New York City to have brunch with our friends. We chose Pastis which is in the West Village and it was amazing! I'm going to attribute our "amazing" comment to Magdalena, our server. She was like a ray of sunshine! She was delightful,...

Friday’s Quote

Friday’s Quote

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is a miracle." ~ Albert Einstein Albert Einstein talking about miracles—now that's going against the grain for a scientist, and especially for a...

What Brings You Joy?

What Brings You Joy?

I was recently tasked with writing out what brings me joy by my coach. As I have shared before, if your coach doesn't have a coach—get a new coach! Seriously! This particular coach that I see periodically is an energy coach, and she asked me, "What brings you joy?...



I was reading a book this morning and I was captured by these two words, "Let go." That's it, no more instruction or advice was given, just "Let go." Of course, that got me thinking. Let go of what? And for me, who grips onto everything in life (it's a control thing,...