My Blog

What Brings You Joy?

What Brings You Joy?

I was recently tasked with writing out what brings me joy by my coach. As I have shared before, if your coach doesn't have a coach—get a new coach! Seriously! This particular coach that I see periodically is an energy coach, and she asked me, "What brings you joy?...



I was reading a book this morning and I was captured by these two words, "Let go." That's it, no more instruction or advice was given, just "Let go." Of course, that got me thinking. Let go of what? And for me, who grips onto everything in life (it's a control thing,...

The Harvard Hack

The Harvard Hack

Sometimes in life, we need hacks to get better. We need hacks because we NEVER want to, nor are we going to put in the time it will take to actually learn some things. However, a quick hack can expedite our journey from point A to point B, if it's feasible at all. For...



"Is this a blessing or a punishment?" Good question, right? You might be thinking, "I don't know what she is even talking about? I read this "slap across the face," in my notes from a book I read many years ago. There's really only one right answer, but we often think...

Friday’s Quote

"It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It's necessary."~ Mandy Hale I was reading an article the other day and the writer asked a question of her reader: "Are you bending over backwards for others? Who are you...

The Goal Graveyard

The Goal Graveyard

I was walking my dog, Ella, yesterday, when I noticed a gentleman in front of me wearing a T-shirt that stated boldly on his back, "FINISHER." At first, the competitor in me laughed out loud! I thought to myself, "Is this the equivalent of a participation trophy?" My...

The Maserati-Driving Knucklehead

The Maserati-Driving Knucklehead

The other night, we were traveling home from Vermont on some major highway near the Massachusetts-Connecticut border. Suddenly, a gray Maserati traveling at around 90 mph came from behind and swiftly changed lanes right in front of us, almost causing an accident. Both...

Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

Last night, on my way home from Vermont, I had the privilege of listening to a number of eulogies—they were all for the same person. The church had brilliantly recorded the whole memorial service, so I was able to watch as each member of Bob's family shared their...

Friday’s Quote

Friday’s Quote

"It's the little things in life that matter most." ~ Unknown I was on my board call last night and our chairman asked us to come prepared with a story from our childhood summers. It was joyful to listen to what everyone shared about what their summers as a child were...