My Blog

Invisible Hours

Invisible Hours

I love sharing stories that have a moment when I say, "And that's when steam came billowing out of my ears like a cartoon character!" I had one of those last night as my husband was building a 3-piece outdoor bistro set for our balcony. Doug definitely spent the...

Catch-Up Day

Catch-Up Day

This weekend was a "catch-up" weekend for me. I had all day Sunday and part of Monday, essentially alone, and it was incredibly productive. I had work to catch up on, but many other things as well. You know the things that weigh on your mind, like the baby gift I...

Friday’s Quote

Friday’s Quote

"As important as it is to have a plan for doing work, it is perhaps more important to have a plan for rest, relaxation, self-care, and sleep." ~ @Akiroq Brost We are headed into Memorial Day weekend and for many of you, myself included, the last month has been quite...

The Propellant of Success

The Propellant of Success

Yesterday, at my daughter Clare's graduation, I listened to a great commencement speech. It was great for many reasons, so kudos to Stevens Institute of Technology for their selection. The speaker was Marques Brownlee who is from the great state of NJ, he graduated...

No Free Rein

No Free Rein

This past weekend we spent in Boston attending our eldest daughter's graduation from The Fletcher School at Tufts University. We have had quite the month of May with moving, spending a week in California (work and play), and 2 graduations 200 miles apart and 3 days...

Do It For You

Do It For You

We did an exercise while we were at the retreat with Mette Nørgaard. She asked us to go off in small groups and define what disrupts our calm. That was such a great question and, interestingly enough, each one of us in our small group answered it a little bit...

Doubting Thomas

Doubting Thomas

While I was in California, I had the pleasure of listening to Chef Naomi Shim of the Doubting Thomas restaurant in LA speak about her journey from 6th grade teacher to restauranteur. She is now a multi-faceted culinary maven but this wasn't always the case. She...

Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

I was in Southern California all last week for a little work and then a little play. I have headed out to Malibu the first week in May for the past two years to attend a Summit for the non-profit board I have the pleasure to serving (UrbanPromise International). Our...

Friday’s Quote

"Peace is the result of retraining the mind to process life as it is rather than how you think it should be." ~Wayne Dyer Many people start off the year with a word that they want to live by. I started the year off with a person I want to emulate and, if possible,...

Heavy Loads

Heavy Loads

I was meditating this morning and the prompt in this particular guided mediation was, "What heavy load are you carrying right now?" Although I wanted to laugh out loud, I didn't, but it did bring a huge smile to my face as I thought, "Oh, maybe just a few things!"...