Friday’s Quote

There is no greater gift that you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.” Oprah Winfrey

Tomorrow morning, Terry Lynch and I will embark on our 6th Finding Your Purpose event. I am so passionate about purpose and calling because I struggled for so long to find mine. Trying to put your finger on your calling is no easy task—yet when you find it, ironically it seems as though it was so blatantly obvious all along you’re not sure how you missed it.

I believe the best part of finding your purpose is what Oprah Winfrey calls becoming “truly alive”. It is when your soul is on fire. It is doing what you love therefore it’s not work. It’s beyond fun and exciting. And because its YOUR calling, you are already gifted with everything you need to complete the task. Everything is included (in you).

But the most important part of your purpose is when you realize it is not for you. Your calling is the gift you have been asked to bring to the world. There is no doubt you will thoroughly enjoy DOING it, but it is the world that NEEDS it. Do you know your calling?

Have a great weekend,

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