“The extra mile is a vast, unpopulated wasteland.” Unknown.
People say they will go the extra mile but those who will actually strap on their boots and make the trek – well they are few and far between. Before you say “I definitely go the extra mile” – first, glance down at your own boots and make sure they show signs of having been down the road.
Going the extra mile is embodying a spirit of excellence at all times. It’s not necessarily the extra mile if it falls under convenient and self-serving. “I will go the extra mile” cannot be followed by a qualifier like “when” – it must be followed by a period or an exclamation mark.
Saying it and doing it are different. It’s a sign of character as well as integrity. It’s “vast and unpopulated” for a reason. It’s also very often a selfless act. So ask yourself “Do I really go the extra mile?” Now, take a look at your boots. The road awaits!
Have a Great Weekend,