“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
This quote should come with about a thousand exclamation points after it. It’s January, so there is no better time then now to think about who you want to be. But we cant stop there, because we all have great thoughts about who we want to be, but then we do NOTHING about it. It remains this thought in our head, and somehow we hope the stars align, and we are miraculously “found” by the talent scout of our industry. In other words, we simply hope it will all work out on its own—”If it was meant to be…”.
No! That is not how it happens. We can’t wait around for our big break, we must make it happen of our own free will. We cannot stop at “who we want to be,” we must take it one step further and, like Emerson said, “decide” who we will become. Want and decide are two very different words. To want is to have a strong desire. To decide is to select a course of action. Wanting is dreaming and deciding is actually doing something about it. Will you make 2021 the year you decide to be the person you’ve always dreamed of being?
If this speaks to you, I am hosting a 6-week class that begins on Tuesday and I want you to be a part of it. It is my Emerging Leaders class, but it is so much more than the name implies. We will cover navigating your upward mobility, creating a presence, handling difficult conversations, leveraging your power, failing forward, and building your resume. This may be outside your comfort zone, but this is where you can let go of wanting and firmly decide. Please check out the events page on my website www.bethfitzgerald.com for more details. And remember what Emerson said, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” So make sure you take a moment to decide.
With Gratitude,
P.S. If you know of someone who would be a good fit, but has financial concerns, please reach out to me directly. We will make it work.