Motivational Monday

Yesterday, after a long walk with our daughter, we arrived home to our other two daughters staring at our stack of firewood. It seemed odd at first, but once they saw us they started yelling about something. As we got closer, it became clear that some little animal had made its way under the pallet that was holding the firewood. They only knew that because my daughter’s dog, Benny, had essentially sniffed him out and was trying to get at him. Through further inspection, we were still unclear as to what it was: bunny, gopher, or opossum. 

We all went inside and tried to give our furry “friend” an opportunity to leave, but Benny couldn’t let it go. He stared out the window, he repeatedly went to the back door, as if to say, “Please! Let me go get this thing!” Benny’s a hound, so he’s a hunting dog, and he wanted to hunt, for sure! His persistence was admirable. Of course he made me think of you and me.

What do you (and I) want in life? Is it work related? Is it a relationship? Is it personal growth? Really take 60 seconds and answer that question. Now revisit the visual you created in your mind of Benny relentlessly pawing at my stack of firewood—is that you toward your wants and dreams? Or are you not even near the stack of firewood (like my other non-hound dogs). The visual of Benny is the reminder we all can benefit from daily. How close are you to your “stack of firewood?” I know I’m not as close as I should be. Thank you Benny! I now see what persistence really looks like!


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