The Brick Wall

I was looking at this apartment building the other day and I was captivated by the small distance between floors. To me, it doesn’t even look like 2 feet. Within this small distance is the floor to one person’s apartment, the ceiling of another person’s apartment, duct work, plumbing, electrical work, insulation, etc. We won’t ever get to see this, we just know it’s there, happening behind the scenes. 

I also thought about what is happening in each apartment. That’s a mystery as well. There’s surely happy apartments and unhappy apartments. There’s good times and bad. There’s prosperous and struggling. There’s new babies and aging parents. There are a multitude of experiences happening every day, but this brick wall neutralizes everything. 

When you go to work today, whether it’s virtual or in person, I want you to think about this neutral wall—it’s a bit illustrative of our lives and those of our work colleagues. Nobody knows the whole story, but so much is going on. We get a simple, one-dimensional view. We don’t always know all the struggles or heartaches, but it’s safe to assume they are there. Just because I look at a neutral wall doesn’t mean there isn’t more to the story. There always is. Be kind. Be compassionate. We don’t know for sure, but chances are, there’s more to the story. And if you’re a leader, this is infinitely more important for you and the growth and development of your team.


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