“The fundamental level of success is doing the hard things first—if you go for the feared thing first, the rest of the day is easy.” Robert G. Allen
I decided to take French lessons because Doug and I are going to France in May. I had my second online lesson last night and I have to tell you, it’s not easy. After “merci beaucoup and bonjour,” I’m kind of at a loss. I had a thought last night in the middle of class which was, “How will I ever learn all of this?”
After the call was over, I jotted down a few phrases that are important for me to know, like “please” and “How are you?” As I looked at the sheet of paper, I said to myself, “Forget about the enormity of learning another language and just embrace the baby steps that you are taking. So, “Bonjour tout le monde. Comment allez vous?” Baby, baby steps.
What is the thing you’re avoiding because it hard or you’re afraid? The dream for me would be that I was fluent in French, but that is really, really far away right now. So my dream now is to continue to do the work so that I get better every week. If I improve every week and don’t quit, then progress has to be the result, right? Fluent is far away, but better is right here at my finger tips. Decide what you have been wanting to take on, but you were afraid—and accept the challenge. What’s the worst that can happen? I’m already not fluent in French! Passe une bonne journée, au revoir.
Let’s GO! We got this!
Beth Fitzgerald