Meet Beth
Regardless of what your dreams and aspirations are, you are the only one that holds the key. The answers lie within you. You just need some assistance unlocking the door.
Life Coach? That title is really a misnomer, if you ask me. Before I give you a better title, let me tell you a little about myself..
Life coaching is the act of empowering you to harness your dreams, goals, and aspirations. It is very hard to see yourself if you are in the frame. Life coaching is a collaboration between coach and client working together to discover your purpose, create a plan to pursue this purpose so you can exponentially grow your joy and happiness. Regardless of what your dreams and aspirations are, you are the only one that holds the key. The answers lie within you. You just need some assistance unlocking the door.
“The answers lie within you. You just need some assistance unlocking the door.”
The Readers’ Digest version of my life goes something like this:
As a child I grew up in a small town in southern New Jersey (Stratford). I graduated from Rutgers University with both Economics and English degrees. I worked on Wall Street for a small hedge fund, then Prudential Portfolio Management, and finally Oppenhiemer Funds managing a large sales force. I stayed at home to raise my four children and I currently live in central New Jersey near Princeton University.
I spent the last 5 years questioning why am I here? I argued that life cannot be so arbitrary that there is no purpose. I could not believe in that randomness.
From my earliest memories, I always remember looking at people and thinking “No!!! Think bigger!! You are capable of so much more! Don’t you see it? I see it!”
I guess I thought everyone saw what I saw. Only recently did I realize everyone did not have the view I have of the world. Your potential “screams” so loudly to me, I cannot ignore it.
I am absolutely CERTAIN this is why I am here. I not only see your potential but I also see what is making you play a smaller game than you have the potential to play.
My goal is for you to ultimately say “I cannot believe they are paying me to do the work I love!”
I will guarantee that we will “leave it all on the field”. I am not your conventional coach, I am an athlete, so it is all about the win!
So, what title would I use instead of Life Coach? I might use, Motivator, Believer, Mentor, Challenger, Advocate, Cheerleader, or Success Coach just to name a few. My goal is to help coach your mind, not your life.

Why Work With Me?
Coaching is the most effective method available if you want to make a significant change, but not everyone is interested in committing to a formal long term plan. I offer one-on-one coaching consultations by the hour, giving you the flexibility to take as much, or little, time as you need.

See where Beth has been featured.
Stop Drifting Through Life!
5 Reasons why we drift aimlessly through life and how to overcome them.
Three Ways To Leverage Your Power And Use Your Influence For Good
How To Stand Out As A Leader
Being a good leader isn’t always easy, and being a great leader is even harder…