Friday’s Quote

Friday’s Quote

“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.” M.K. Clinton It’s been a really rough week, and maybe sometime soon I will be able to express all that happened. But for now, I think it’s...
When I…

When I…

I was listening to a Wayne Dyer presentation yesterday via Audible as I went on a walk. Dyer passed away in 2015, but his books allow him and his wisdom to live on. If you’ve never read anything by Wayne Dyer, it’s time. He simply exudes peace and wisdom,...
Friday’s Quote

Friday’s Quote

“There’s not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle.” Robert Alden I came to this quote indirectly and I believe it pairs nicely with something I heard recently from Deepak Chopra. He was sharing a story about...