Friday’s Quote

Friday’s Quote

“Success is about us. Significance is about others.” John C. Maxwell Thank you, John! Sometimes we need a level-set, or simply a reminder of what we are doing and why. Success can last a lifetime, but significance can last several lifetimes. Take a look at...
The Weather You Bring

The Weather You Bring

Two exchanges, 24 hours apart, entirely different experiences. Doug and I entered the Salamander Washington DC last Wednesday. We were only staying one night. When we approached the front desk, we were greeted by Eskedar. She could not have been lovelier. When she...
Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

On Thursday, Doug and I celebrated 32 years together! Holy smokes, that’s a long time. I remember saying early in our relationship, “I can’t wait until the time comes when I have known you longer than I haven’t known you!” Honestly, I...