What Are You Saying?

What Are You Saying?

A few weeks ago I was in Rhode Island working with a client and his team on building out core values. I love presenting this workshop because the journey to the values for any team is arguably more important then landing on the values themselves. There’s so much...
Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

Last week, I was in Malibu, California for a 2-day board meeting/retreat. We all meet in person two times a year—once in Camden, NJ and once in Malibu, CA. The attendees include the board, the executive directors of the various sites, and the current...
What Are You Saying?

Friday’s Quote

“Do you want to do this thing? Sit down and do it.” ~ Ann Patchett Well one doesn’t get much more blunt than that, huh? I hear a lot of people, myself included, speak of what they want as well as what they don’t want. More often than not, the...
6 Seconds

6 Seconds

I was talking with a client yesterday about fear—and I’ll be having the same conversation today with myself, btw. She said she was afraid and I asked her, “Of what exactly?” Facing fear head on, as we have discussed in the past, is a really important...
Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

Yesterday afternoon, around 4 pm, we realized we needed to walk the dogs. It had been a rather dreary weekend with lots and lots of rain, so walking the dogs wasn’t anything we were looking forward to doing. We also didn’t have a choice, so we saddled up...