Friday’s Quote

“New Year—a new chapter, new verse, or just the same old story? Ultimately, we write it. It’s our story. The choice is ours.” ~ Alex Morritt This is my last entry in 2022. In about 40 hours will say goodbye to this year forever. It will be, “In...
Goal Setting Day

Goal Setting Day

I hope you had a fabulous holiday! As we head into the New Year, I want to share a little bit about how I feel about “New Year(s)”—Im not a fan! I don’t know that I have ever put my finger on exactly what makes me unsettled about this holiday, but I...
Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

I listened to a podcast where Adam Grant interviewed Emmanuel Acho about goals, or I should say Acho’s “anti-goal-setting” approach. Since I am a firm believer in goals, I had to hear Acho’s take. In the end, Acho’s approach is absolutely...