Smell The Roses

We are often, maybe even daily, talking about our to-do list. I love my to-do list, it keeps me focused on what I want to accomplish on any given day. And at the end of the day, when I have crossed everything off that faithful list of mine, I feel at peace knowing the...

Festering is not Good

Why do we accept the unacceptable? Most people don’t—or won’t—speak up. What I hear most often from my clients is, “I’m not sure it’s even worth it to speak up.” Ugh! OK, I can’t say that you’re wrong, I get how...

Motivational Monday!

For the past few weekends, we have had four gentlemen here, working on our home to help us prepare it for sale. They arrive every Saturday morning at 7:30 am and work through until about 4:30 pm. Their main task hasn’t been easy—removing wallpaper. What has...

Friday’s Quote

“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.” Eckhart Tolle Last night I was hanging out with friends and we got on the topic of Tom Brady. As you know, I am an Philadelphia Eagles fan so I instantly went into...